10 Simple Ways to Nourish Your Soul Today

  1. At-home spa day • Mani, pedi, facial, and homemade body butter.

  2. Citrus essential oils in the diffuser • Citrus is uplifting, soothing, and energizing — perfect for winter blues.

  3. Make yourself a homemade chai latteA soothing warm drink to refresh your soul.

  4. Make your favorite comfort meal • It’s rewarding to create something especially for you.

  5. 10 minutes of restorative yoga • Grounding ourselves is easier when we connect within.

  6. Make a gratitude journal • What are you grateful for today? Try this every morning — our focus dictates most everything.

  7. What books are on your list to read? • Start one today.

  8. Do an act of kindness • Surprise someone with your generosity.

  9. Brighten a mason jar with fresh flowers • Your creation will delight you.

  10. Take 30 minutes to walk in nature • Connect and revive yourself


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Tropical Cactus Smoothie