Are Mornings Stressful? Say Goodbye to Chaos and Achieve More

Baby steps to calm

Are Mornings Stressful? Say Goodbye to Chaos and Achieve More

“Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first; it means me too.” — L.R. Knost

As a mom with a big family, you’d think mornings would’ve been my thing. But they were a struggle  —  I used to hit snooze at least 5 times every morning. But I can now honestly say I’m someone who looks forward to them. 

Becoming a morning lover was a process though, and it didn’t happen overnight. Before I understood the importance of mornings, my routine was all over the place. I was barely scraping together six hours of sleep, juggling life with four kids and a fifth on the way, all while managing three businesses. I was running around in circles but not really getting anything done. 

My go-to breakfast? A Pepsi and a peanut butter (barely) toasted piece of bread on the run.

And the guilt I carried of failing myself, my husband, and my kids each and every morning kept piling on. The alarm clock would blare, and a wave of dread would wash over me. I was constantly playing catch-up, with no end in sight. The dishes and piles of laundry left me feeling defeated. 

I was constantly giving, with little left for myself.

Turning Point

It took hitting a wall to realize prioritizing myself, especially in the mornings, was key. And a simple piece of advice from a dear friend changed everything,

 “Give to yourself first thing each morning and last thing each night.” 

It was a simple reminder, but it became my guiding principle.

10 Minute Miracle

If you want to change things up, but it still feels overwhelming, I get it. Big changes aren’t easy. But it’s important to remember it’s not about doing a complete 180 overnight. It’s not about huge leaps, but rather, the small, consistent steps (everyday wins) that matter. 

A simple shift in my morning routine improved every area of my life, from increased energy to deeper connections.

For me, it all started by scheduling non-negotiable “me time” each morning. I know, easier said than done, right? Even finding 10 minutes can feel impossible some days. But believe me, it’s worth it. And, you don’t have to become a morning person overnight.

So, to make it easy and doable, I didn’t tie it to a specific clock time at first. Instead, it was the first 10 minutes after I woke up. That way, even if I overslept, I didn’t feel like I’d already failed.

And of course, there were challenging days. Oversleeping happened. Kids interrupted. But I learned to be easier on myself. It’s kind of like training for a marathon — we don’t start by running the entire 26.2 miles at once. We build up slowly, a single step at a time. 

Why It Works: Taking 10 minutes isn’t just about having a few extra minutes to yourself. It’s deeper than that. 

  • Feeling in control: Even when life feels chaotic, having 10 minutes where you call the shots makes all the difference.

  • Feeling good about yourself: When we accomplish something (even small) it sets a positive tone for the entire day (and builds our confidence). 

  • Feeling connected: Taking time for ourselves isn’t selfish. It actually helps us show up better for the people we love.

How we start our day matters. If we wake up focused (with a plan) the day usually goes much smoother. But if we wake up feeling rushed or stressed, it’s much harder to catch up. 

Baby Steps to a Better Morning

Start small, offer yourself grace, and then sit back and watch the changes that happen to your day (and life). 

Set a Tiny Goal: Forget hour-long yoga sessions. Try just 10 minutes of stretching. That’s it. It’s easy and doable, even on our busiest days (the consistency is what changes everything, not the amount of time).

Find Your Bliss: What makes you feel good? A few stretches in bed? Walking? A cup of tea and a good book? There’s no right or wrong answer.

Stick with It: Some days are easier, but keep showing up for yourself — even if for just a few minutes.

“The small stuff is the big stuff. First things must come first. Motivation and momentum are very fickle. It doesn’t matter how much you currently have. You will lose it if you don’t maintain the garden of your life. Which, is a daily process. How close to your values and goals are you living?” — Dr. Benjamin Hardy

When Life Happens

Even on the toughest mornings, when it feels like everything’s falling apart, we have the power to choose our response. On those days (that are bound to happen), take a deep breath, drink a big glass of water, and try again tomorrow.

These challenges are opportunities to build our resilience and strength.

  • Progress, not perfection: Don’t worry if you miss a day or two. Pick up where you left off and keep going.

  • It’s okay to start small: 5 minutes is better than nothing. You can always build up from there.

  • Celebrate wins: Every morning you prioritize you is a win. Acknowledge your efforts.

Finding Your Calm

Each day, we have a choice… how will we nourish our minds and bodies? Getting outdoors, moving, showing kindness, eating a healthy meal — all have a positive impact. And they all play an important role in our health, impacting our body and mind, as everything’s so connected.

When we prioritize our well-being, especially in the morning, we set the tone for a less chaotic, soul-fulfilling day.

A few minutes of self-care has a ripple effect. It improves our health, relationships, and our sense of well-being. And before you know it, your morning time will expand and become part of your “must” for the day.  

So, what are you waiting for? Give yourself the gift of a calmer, more empowered morning. You deserve it. 

It’s time to take back your day.


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