Do You Have a Morning Ritual?

Self-Love = Committing to Ourselves

I talk a lot about morning rituals because they’re so powerful.

It’s a toss-up over which of the benefits are more impactful. The feel-good aspect, our physical/mental health, or the positive reinforcement we receive each morning by keeping our commitment to ourselves.

It doesn’t really matter which is more important though, because the benefits compound, creating big wins for us.

Do You Have a Morning Ritual?

Morning rituals are a perfect way to lean into better physical and mental health.

We don’t have control over everything that happens. But each morning, we have the choice of beginning with intention or busyness. When we give time to ourselves, we’re setting up our days — and life — for success. It’s a win for us and our loved ones — we always have more to offer when we care for ourselves.

I’m a big fan of 10-minute morning habits. They’re easy and fit smoothly into the mornings. It’s enough to shift our energy and outlook.

Sometimes Less Is More

Small, consistent habits build on each other and bring us closer to our goals in the short and long term. Our effort pays us back in ways we often don’t even realize.

For instance, 10 minutes of movement each morning adds up to more strength, flexibility, weight maintenance or loss — and we feel energized. The shift in our mindset is nearly instantaneous. It’s hard to feel down or defeated when we’re feeling good.

It’s one of the best mindsets to take on the day.

Do something you enjoy and go for it — we all have 10 minutes.

I’ll be the first to admit dancing doesn’t come naturally to me, but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying the movement and music — what matters is I’m having fun with my established routine. My mornings have an overall purpose that’s serving me rather than taking away.

According to this study, “Living a life characterized by routines was found to be associated with higher meaning in life.”

Positive routines fulfill us inside and out.

Find Your Inspiration

It’s not just movement that starts our mornings great either. Reading words of inspiration empowers us. Learning how others have accomplished or overcome offers insight and is motivating. We all can use a bit of momentum-building thoughts to begin our day.

There’s no right or wrong way to establish a morning ritual — start small and build from there. Make it easy to accomplish. We build momentum and confidence when we begin our day by achieving goals (no matter how small they are).

When we’re consistent with our morning rituals, we’ve set the foundation for our day. We’ve kept our commitment to being the best version of ourselves — the ultimate act of self-love.


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