Is it Wrong to be a Woman Who Knows What She Wants?

I usually make my own morning drink, but I stopped at Starbucks because I’m on a road trip — and their soy chai latte is irresistible.

The woman in front of me was ordering her drink with an extra pump of this, a double shot of that, a touch of this — oh, and don’t forget that, with an extra splash of this.

My eyebrows started to rise, the entitled stereotype popping in my mind.

But I stopped myself.

It’s true we don’t know another’s life until we’ve walked in their shoes. And that’s why I’m not fond of stereotypes.

What if this is the one place she gets a choice — her way?

Or the one indulgence she allows herself each week?

And is it wrong to be a woman who knows what she wants?

It’s easy to make snap judgments, but better, I think — to let them be.


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