Lemon Water

 I love starting mornings with a mason jar of water and lemon mixed with a sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt.

Rehydrating and replenishing with water contributes to our health in the most beneficial ways.

We all know we need to drink more water — but here are just a few of its impacts on our skin, mind, and bodies.

  • Prevents premature aging

  • Weight loss

  • Nutrient absorption

  • Mental and physical performance

  • Joint lubrication

  • Blood pressure

  • Mood improvement

Our daily water intake affects our appearance and functioning.

Additionally, lemons aid in weight loss, digestion, and promotes skin health. Himalayan salt offers an abundance of trace minerals and benefits.

Try this: Take a large mason jar and fill with filtered water. Add 1/2 a lemon and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Try a touch of cayenne and honey for added nutrients and taste. You could also enhance it with a sprig of mint.


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