Pineapple Fennel Juice: Delicious, Fresh, and Nourishing

Pineapple Fennel Juice: Delicious, Fresh, and Nourishing

One of my favorite soothing juices is pineapple and fennel — simple, with a powerful punch towards health and healing.

Fennel is known for easing PMS and menopausal issues. It’s also great for relieving upset stomach and colic. And did you know a study shows it combats excessive facial hair growth in women?

Chewing on fennel seeds freshens your mouth after a meal, and fennel is a fantastic addition to marinara sauce.

Pineapple also has numerous benefits; due to bromelain, it’s anti-inflammatory and excellent for relieving indigestion.

Pineapple Fennel Juice: Delicious, Fresh, and Nourishing

Pineapple Fennel Juice: Delicious, Fresh, and Nourishing

Yield: 2
Author: Julie
Prep time: 5 MinTotal time: 5 Min
Wellness with every sip! 🍍 Our Pineapple Fennel Juice is like a tropical escape in a glass, with a touch of fennel's natural magic. Fuel your day with refreshing vibes and plant-powered goodness. 🌟
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  1. Run through juicer
  2. Serve over ice
  3. Enjoy!


  1. Add a few apples for more sweetness.
  2. Too much of a good thing is never a good thing. Check with your doctor when incorporating fennel, as it’s medicinal in nature, especially when pregnant/nursing.


Sip your way into health with this quick and Easy Juice Recipe