6 Simple Morning Habits to Conquer Your Day When Working From Home

For better or worse, when working from home, mornings dictate the tone of our day.

We all have a morning routine, but some are more productive than others. When we’re unintentional with our morning habits, it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing many things, though not accomplishing much of anything.

It throws us off our game.

But when we’re intentional with our habits, we create momentum — a pathway to conquer the day.

I was always in search of the perfect routine. I’ve explored and tried many — loose, rigid, and somewhere in between.

Any routine can work for a short time, though once the enthusiasm wears down, they often fall apart.

But then I discovered six-morning habits that changed my life.

It’s Simple — In Fact, It’s Almost Too Easy

This simple idea changed my mindset, helping me achieve measurable, concrete productivity.

As cliche as it sounds, it’s simply filling up your own cup — first thing each morning.

Crazy, right?

But, as overused as cliches are, there’s often much wisdom buried within them.

For instance:

  1. Actions speak louder than words

  2. It’s the little things

  3. Always look on the bright side

  4. Money isn’t everything

  5. You can’t judge a book by its cover

See what I mean?


Days with a blank canvas are quite appealing, yet time tends to slip away without a strategy in place.

It’s not easy keeping all we do together — and separate.

Productivity doesn’t happen by mistake. Rather, it’s an intentional effort towards your priorities — consistently.

This is how we create success within the day-to-day.

These simple 10-minute self-care habits created the momentum-building structure I needed to tackle my busy days.

By devoting a small portion of time to ourselves, it stretches our capabilities to a new level.

When we skip nourishing ourselves, it’s hard to sustain productivity. Sure it’s possible, but sooner or later, it catches up.

Though none of these habits are groundbreaking, together, they establish a momentum propelling you forward.

Without question, mornings have the capability to alter our days — and lives.

Embracing energizing habits is key to reaching your short and long-term goals.

Habit 1: Start With Gratitude

First thing each morning, prioritize offering appreciation and expressing gratitude. It’s simply being present and acknowledging our wealth — family, friends, love, and health.

We all have reasons to feel grateful.

Life is busy, and our days are fast-paced. If we don’t make this a priority, it’s easy to forget. Embracing or exploring what resonates within is one of the most beautiful connections we can make.

You’ll be amazed by how much this step develops and attracts inner peace.

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.

— Meister Eickhart

It’s that simple.

Try this: Start a morning gratitude journal, read works from your faith, walk in nature, or meditate. Do what works for you. Acknowledge all your blessings. Commit 10 minutes each morning to finding your gratitude within.

Habit 2: Movement

It doesn’t matter what or how long. Even 10 minutes is enough to make a difference. Commit to something you enjoy — yoga, Tabata, or stretching. It’s just enough to get the energy flowing.

I’ve learned not to question whether I feel to move or not. When I give myself a choice, my mind contemplates— every single time.

Movement is necessary and beneficial. It’s not about whether we’re in the mood or not.

Try this: Commit to 10 minutes five days this week. It might be tai chi, weights, or an indoor trampoline. Dancing to your favorite music or a walk around the block. Choose what brings some joy— it should be fun.

Habit 3: Dressing For Success

How we dress and prepare ourselves sets the tone for the day. What does yours say? Work or play?

If you want to produce, dress like you’re ready to take on the day.

There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable, but comfort and style can coexist. There’s something to dressing in clothes that make us look and feel good. Looking in the mirror with frumpy clothing doesn’t portray I’m out to tackle the day.

“The intention of your dressing becomes the intention of your day.” ― Michele Gustafson

The way others perceive us is important — but not as significant as how we feel about ourselves. We have more to offer and give when we feel good about our appearance.

Try this: Even if you don’t have anywhere you need to be, dress for success. If you prefer simple, then be intentionally casual. Be creative — dress in clothing that makes you look and feel good.

Habit 4: Breakfast

What a healthy breakfast is to you will likely not be the same for me. Our bodies all thrive optimally in different ways. Listen to your body and find what works best for you.

Breakfast can be as easy or elaborate as you’d like. I prefer savory breakfasts myself. I often make a stir fry with zucchini and mushrooms, served over rice. My rice cooker is always on, so it comes together in less than 10 minutes.

Or it can be as simple as some overnight oats. This prep takes 5 minutes the night before, and it’s delicious. Nutrition comes in many forms. Breakfast doesn’t have to be hard, but it’s important to fuel ourselves with proper nutrition.

It helps to lay out a plan. That way, you’re not left wondering what you should eat.

Try this: Make a meal plan on Sunday for 5 mornings’ worth of breakfasts. Consider your time and what you like. Starting your morning in a healthy way sets the tone for healthier food and drink choices throughout the day.

Habit 5: Morning Drink

There’s nothing more grounding or satisfying than preparing your morning drink. Fresh-brewed coffee, tea, lemon water, or matcha latte — choose cold or warm, depending on the season.

It’s a fulfilling and health-promoting way to start the day.

There’s something significant about our morning drink routine. Taking time to relax and consider our intentions for the day. Whether alone or with others, it’s taking a moment to nourish yourself.

I love the effortless ritual our chosen drink inspires.

Time tends to pause within this space — even if it’s only ten dedicated minutes.

Try this: Depending on the weather, choose a drink to complement the temperature outdoors. Herbal sun tea, freshly ground coffee, a mason jar of water with a touch of lemon and honey. What sounds nourishing to you? Commit to indulging in this step for the next 5 days.

Habit 6: Intentional Inspiration

I always start my day with inspirational words from others. Whether from a book, podcast, or audiobook, it’s an easy way to get excited and motivated.

What area of your life do you want to focus on right now? It’s good to keep it balanced. Family, personal development, business, fitness, or nutritional health? There’s a book, Youtube video, or audio out there for almost everything.

Learning from others makes life much easier.

Words are powerful — whether good or bad, they have more influence than we often realize. Listening to another’s uplifting words can inspire and light your fire.

Try this: Commit to 10 minutes of reading or listening, 5 days in a row. Decide which area you want to focus on this week. Find people that resonate with you. For instance, whenever I listen to Tony Robbins, I’m ready to go —it’s nearly impossible not to be impacted by his enthusiasm and energy.

Final Thoughts

When working from home, finding success within your days takes effort and focus.

But when we’re intentional, momentum builds, and productivity follows.

We’re focused and ready for what comes next.

These six habits are starting points and strategies for creating the momentum to conquer your day.

  1. Start with gratuity

  2. Movement

  3. Dressing for success

  4. Breakfast

  5. Morning drink

  6. Inspiration

Ten minutes devoted to each morning habit changes everything. It sets you up to achieve the accomplishments you want in life.

Success doesn’t happen by accident. It’s found within the simple yet productive routines we build on each day. And it all begins with your morning self-care habits.

Having these momentum-building habits in place makes us feel settled and ready to focus on our goals. Since mornings dictate the tone of the day, it makes sense to prioritize this time. You’ll soon see your wins adding up, little by little — and that has the capability to alter everything.

It’s simple, but it makes all the difference.


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