Conveying gratitude is life-altering– especially in difficult moments.

Appreciating blessings when all flows smoothly has undeniable value.

But recognizing those blessings during trying times has the power to transform our path.

Turbulent times come and go– divorce, financial loss, illness, disease. It’s natural to feel at a loss or alone.

But when a certain something comes, uprooting and shaking our world, that’s when we need to reflect and pause.

Centering on gratitude, allows our outlook to alter, rather than staying in a place of uncertainty.

Each day we wake with a choice of whether to focus on troubles or embrace our blessings. They’re tougher to acknowledge in the challenging times– though that’s when we need them most.

Simplistic yet beautiful gifts are plentiful, waiting for our attention. Family, friends, a stranger’s kind words or smile– a book, a lake, or a favorite walking path.

We receive much back from appreciation. And saying thank you really seems to be enough.


Forging paths to dreams takes determination.


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