Do You Ever Get Migraines?

Here’s some alternative healing methods

Are your headaches so extreme that any bit of noise, light, or movement feels intolerable? If you’ve ever suffered a migraine, you know how intrusive and life-altering they are.

Although this natural alternative is not a cure-all, I can offer that it allowed me to get control back of my days.

Natural medicine

As a holistic health coach, I tend to favor living more naturally, gravitating towards Eastern philosophy in that respect.

Though, when a situation requires a doctor’s care, I’m open and willing. As both East and West have wonderful offerings, I attempt to merge the best of both to my advantage.

So this is why, when I started experiencing migraines, I tried many alternatives before taking over-the-counter or prescription medications.

Migraines started affecting me years ago. At first, they were sporadic, but It wasn’t long before they were happening 3–4 times a month. Sometimes they lingered, keeping me down for days.

Migraine relief

Eventually, I saw a doctor. They were going to start tests and prescribe a medication, but I resisted. I wasn’t ready to give in quite yet. After digging a bit deeper into research, I came across an article about ginger’s ability to relieve migraines.

Desperate and open, I started incorporating ginger into my diet. I began adding homemade ginger root tea into my morning routine.

After about a month, I started noticing some changes. The migraines were not as intense or frequent. I started having more good days than bad.

Little by little, my headaches were easing and not returning. Finally, I went a month without even having one. I was still reluctant to believe they were over, yet optimistic.

On one of my routine checkups, I told the doctor about my experience with ginger. More or less shrugging it off, he told me he’d never heard of ginger helping migraines.

I walked out disheartened, but I knew how much it had changed my life.

So, I looked for more research and found this study, which is explained in greater detail here.

Beliefs play a significant role in our healing ability— this is why placebos are so effective. Perhaps there’s a bit at play here; I’m not certain. Either way, I’m an absolute believer in ginger’s effects.

Natural healing methods

Another important factor to my healing was incorporating stress-reducing techniques: daily 10-minute yoga, meditation, and walks in nature.

Combining ginger and these methods are what I believe allowed me to put my migraines in the past.

Although we never have absolute control, we do have a say in our health. It’s not always genetics, nor predestined. Healing is possible.

Feeding our mind, body, and spirit with optimal nutrients has a positive impact in more ways than we see or realize.

Incorporating ginger and balance

Fresh ginger root has become a staple in my diet. I add it to smoothies, juices, and tea. It’s strong and intense; take it slow and add a bit more over time.

I wasn’t a fan at first, but I’ve come to love the flavor of this grounding root.

There’ve been a few different times I stepped off my routine. When life gets too busy, good habits easily slip. I’d missed a month or two of drinking the tea, along with the exercise too.

But, the returning migraines quickly reminded me of how important it was to keep up with my morning routine. So, once more, I prioritized incorporating ginger, movement, and balance. Soon enough, I found my way back to better health again.

It’s interesting how letting a good habit go leads to more slipping away, but the reverse is also true. When we pick the momentum back up, it quickly falls back into place.

I still get an occasional migraine here and there. But they’re nowhere near as debilitating or long-lasting as the headaches that were once my usual.

When and if I feel the onset of a migraine, I make a juice with cucumbers, apples, lemons, and a healthy dose of mint and ginger. It’s a quick boost of powerful nutrients. Doing this, along with a purposeful intention of being more restful, seems to take care of it.

Without question, my life feels different than it did before. I’m no longer a victim of migraines. If you’re suffering, it’s worth a try. You may experience the same relief I found.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful; let me know your thoughts in the comments!


  • Although ginger is well known for helping treat nausea during pregnancy, always consult your doctor if pregnant or nursing.

  • If taking blood-thinner medications, check with your doctor before using ginger.

  • Disclaimer: As I’m not a medical professional, please check with your physician before following any advice.


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