Focus our Thoughts on Intentions

The holiday season accentuates what’s lacking for some — when deep-cutting wounds resurface, taking over.

But regardless of what has happened, we’re the only ones with the ability to shape our here and now. The past doesn’t ever have to define our present.

And that’s empowering.

It’s better to approach these times with an intentional mindset. We don’t have a say over other people’s actions — but we can choose what gets our attention.

If we’re looking for justification of wrongdoings, without doubt, we’ll find it.

It’s a rabbit hole with no end.

But when we focus our thoughts on our intentions, unsettled feelings fade into the distance.

No matter what anyone has done, it’s not worth losing our peace of mind.

Thoughts will always pop up. But we have a choice whether we give them our time — it’s all part of taking our power back.


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