Have You Tried Fruit in Your Water?

Have you tried fruit in your water? So many delicious possibilities–lemons, limes, oranges, strawberries, and cucumbers are just a few.

I especially love cucumbers–for the nutrients and refreshing taste.

Cucumbers contain vitamin C and K–nourishing your skin in the most beneficial way.

Cucumbers are healthy and hydrating, which affect your sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

Here’s a quick and easy way to make fruit-infused water.

Cucumber water

  • Wash cucumber (organic if possible)

  • Slice cucumber into 1/4-inch pieces, leaving unpeeled (for nutrients)

  • Fill a 2-quart jar with filtered water and cucumber slices.

  • Chill for at least an hour. If refrigerated, it will last two days. There are no preservatives, so if left out, drink the same day.

  • You can refill the water when the jar is half empty.

  • Try adding a sprig of mint–it’s the perfect balance of refreshing and nourishing.


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