Is Chamomile a Staple in Your Kitchen?

Is chamomile a staple in your kitchen? The chamomile flower is one of the oldest and widely used medicinal herbs for ailments and prevention.

10 compelling reasons for considering chamomile

  1. Anxiety and stress easing

  2. Promotes restful sleep

  3. Healing and soothing to skin

  4. Boosts immune system

  5. Promotes healthy hair

  6. Aids in digestion, colic, and relieves upset stomachs

  7. Anti-inflammatory

  8. High in antioxidants

  9. May prevent blood sugar spikes

  10. May protect against certain types of cancers due to antioxidant levels

Try a comforting cup today! :)

Chamomile tea


  1. Add chamomile leaves into teapot

  2. Add 3 cups water

  3. Cover

  4. Bring to a boil on stove

  5. Turn off heat and steep for 10 minutes

  6. Strain tea into your cup and stir in honey if using

  7. Enjoy!

*Always check with doctor when incorporating herbs, especially if pregnant.

*Links are non-affiliate


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