Have You Tried Juicing?

I’m excited that juicing has become more mainstream — one cup boosts you with many essential nutrients.

I’ve juiced vegetables, fruits, roots, and greens for years. And I’m pretty certain I’m no longer known as the crazy carrot lady amongst cashiers.

I’d always get strange looks and comments when I loaded 5-pound bags of carrots up on the counter. But, now all they say is, “Oh, you must be juicing.”

Joe Cross popularized juicing in a documentary some years back called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It’s inspiring. And his results were amazing.

I did his 7-day challenge not too long ago — lots of noticeable, positive changes, especially with my skin and energy level.

I still juice a few times a week, but I tend to alternate juicing and smoothies.

Fresh raw juices are a perfect addition. But it’s also important to include whole fibrous foods daily.


Piña Berry Smoothie


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