Beet Juice

Photo by Canva

I’d never had beets until I started juicing — I was surprised by how sweet and delicious they tasted. And of course, they’re a perfect addition to your healthy kitchen.

Here are ten impressive reasons why you should consider including beets in your diet.

  1. Loaded with antioxidants

  2. Can help improve athletic function and stamina

  3. Reduces inflammation and assists in weight loss

  4. Hormone balancing

  5. Supports skin health

  6. Helps to regulate blood sugar, thanks to naturally occurring nitrates

  7. Source of folate

  8. Supports liver function

  9. Source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C

  10. Assists in lowering blood pressure

Whether you eat beets cooked or raw, they offer multiple nutritious benefits.

Here’s a quick and easy juice recipe to try.

Beet Juice

  • 2 red beets (extra nutrients when adding in the beet greens)

  • 5 carrots

  • 2 peeled oranges

  • 1/2 inch ginger

  • 1/4 inch turmeric


  1. Wash all produce

  2. Run through juicer

  3. Serve over ice


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