10 Ways Flaxseeds Will Boost Your Health

The humble flaxseed offers numerous benefits for your body. Whether golden or brown, both provide an inexpensive way to boost your overall health.

  1. Omega 3 fatty acids — flaxseed is one of your best sources as a vegan/vegetarian.

  2. Rich source of antioxidants

  3. Rich in vitamins and nutrients

  4. Heart-health benefits, including lowering the risk of stroke

  5. May lower risk against certain cancers, as flax is a rich source of lignans

  6. Studies show flax lowers BMI and blood pressure

  7. Source of high-quality protein

  8. Reduces inflammation

  9. Assists in managing weight and weight loss

  10. Improves digestion

Aim for two tablespoons per day—make sure to ground flaxseeds for better nutrient absorption (coffee grinders work great). Add in smoothies, muffins, and oatmeal — the possibilities are endless. Use as an egg substitute or in this easy and delicious pancake recipe.

  • Always consult doctor if taking medications


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