An Extraordinary Schedule For Extraordinary Success

A productivity hack to take back your time and multiply your results

Woman being productive

Do you struggle with time management?

If so, you’re definitely not alone. Trying to make it all work feels overwhelming at times, especially when it comes to work, family, and wellness goals. Sometimes trying to find a moment to simply breathe, feels hard.

I’m a bit of a productivity nerd. I’ve tried most time management systems out there. And while most offer helpful tips and tricks, none have stood out quite as much to me as the Performer’s Schedule created by Strategic Coach, Dan Sullivan.

When I first learned about The Performer’s Schedule, I knew it was something special. This isn’t your average time management hack. It’s a mindset shift that helped me let go of the get-it-all-in-no-matter-what mentality and create a more intentional approach to my days. I went from a frazzled multitasker to someone who has space in my days (and still gets way more done).

If you’re ready to let go of overwhelm and create a life filled with more focus, productivity, and time for things you enjoy, read on. I’m excited to share how this schedule may work for you, too.

The Performer’s Schedule

The Performer’s Schedule structures your time into three types of days: Free Days, Focus Days, and Buffer Days. Sullivan says, This structure isn’t just about creating a rigid calendar; it’s about strategically aligning your energy and efforts with the activities that truly matter.

In fact, the Performer’s Schedule works hand-in-hand with another powerful principle I’ve found invaluable: the 80/20 rule. This principle suggests that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. By identifying that crucial 20% — the tasks that truly move the needle in your business and life — you can focus your energy where it counts.

When you combine the 80/20 rule with the structure of the Performer’s Schedule, you create a dynamic match of productivity. Your Focus Days become laser-focused on high-impact activities, allowing you to achieve extraordinary results. Meanwhile, your Free Days and Buffer Days ensure you have the time to recharge, plan, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

The Importance of Free Days

In their book, 10x Is Easier Than 2x, Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, emphasize the importance of taking free days to maintain balance and avoid burnout, as detailed at the end of Chapter 5. They promote truly disconnecting from work allowing for a greater perspective and ultimately leading to higher levels of performance and success.

Sullivan also mentions scheduling Free Days at the top of your list, prioritizing activities that rejuvenate you. He asserts, “If you double the number of free days you take, you’ll double your income within a very short period of time.”

To maximize the benefits of this system, Sullivan suggests structuring your week with two Focus Days, three Buffer Days, and two Free Days. He says, that by dedicating each day to just one of these three activities, you allow your brain to be 100 percent focused, leading to doubling or even tripling your results quickly.

Free Days

Free Days are intended to be completely free from any work-related activities (not half-days, the entire day). The purpose is to allow us to fully recharge, relax, and reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones. This is designed to prevent burnout and improve our overall well-being.

Focus Days

Focus Days are dedicated to activities that have the highest impact on our business or personal goals. These are days when we concentrate on productive, high-value tasks that move us closer to our objectives, boosting productivity and creativity.

Buffer Days

Buffer Days are for preparation, planning, and handling administrative tasks. These days are important for organizing and setting up our Focus Days to be as effective as possible. So when it’s time to work on our high-impact tasks, we can do so without distractions.

Who Benefits from the Performer’s Schedule?

The Performer’s Schedule can benefit anyone seeking productivity and balance. It’s a versatile framework that can be adapted.

  • Creators: Focus Days provide time for deep work for creative projects. Free Days encourage rest and inspiration-seeking, while Buffer Days are for administrative tasks like marketing and communication.

  • Entrepreneurs: Focus Days allow for high-impact tasks like strategic planning, product development, or client meetings. Buffer Days to manage emails, finances, and other operational tasks, freeing up mental space for the big picture.

  • Busy Professionals: Anyone with a demanding job can benefit from dedicated Focus Days for challenging projects and Buffer Days for organization and catch-up. This separation minimizes distractions and maximizes productivity.

  • Students: Focus Days can be for intense study sessions or working on major assignments. Buffer Days can be used for lighter tasks like note-taking, reading, or attending classes.

  • Parents: Even stay-at-home parents will find value in this schedule. Focus Days can be for personal projects, hobbies, or uninterrupted self-care time. Buffer Days can be used for household chores, errands, and appointments.

How I Implement the Performer’s Schedule

With the Performer’s Schedule, I’ve found a rhythm that works for my anything-but-typical schedule and life with my big family. It’s not so much about the order of days or times we choose, and that’s what I love about it.

It’s not a rigid framework, but a tool we can adjust to our life and needs. Whether it’s an unexpected day off, a family emergency, or a spontaneous adventure, this schedule allows for adjustments and swaps without sacrificing our productivity or well-being.

Knowing I can adapt my schedule when needed helps me stay calm and focused, even when the unexpected comes up.

Here’s how I currently do it:

  • Free Days (Sundays and Wednesdays): These are sacred. I turn off my phone, indulge in long walks with my kids, explore, and simply allow myself to be present. Sometimes it’s just lounging on the couch with a good book. No guilt allowed!

  • Focus Days (Tuesdays and Thursdays): This is when I tackle my most important business task — content creation. I block off my calendar and get into a flow state. It’s amazing how much I can accomplish when I’m fully focused.

  • Buffer Days (Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays): These are for errands, meetings, catching up on emails, and planning my Focus Days. I also use this time for exercise, meal prep, laundry, website work, recipe creation and testing.

Implementing the Performer’s Schedule

Step 1: Identify Your Top Priorities

Take some time to reflect on what matters to you. Your top business goals, personal values, and family commitments. What goals would make the biggest difference in your life? What activities will impact your success and well-being? What are the things you absolutely cannot miss?

For example, some of my top priorities are:

  • Business: Creating content, coaching, recipe testing & developing, and growing my website’s online community.

  • Family: Spending time with my kids and making sure they feel loved and supported.

  • Personal: Prioritizing health and wellness through exercise, yoga, faith practices, journaling, meal prepping, and getting enough sleep.

Step 2: Schedule Your Days

Choose a scheduling tool that works best for you, there isn’t a right or wrong. Seeing our schedule can be incredibly helpful in staying on track. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Digital Calendars: Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, or any other app that allows you to easily create and manage events.

  • Project Management Tools: Trello (my favorite!), Asana, or can help you organize tasks and track progress.

  • Paper Planners: If you prefer, a paper planner ( I love Clever Fox Planner and Panda Planners) can be just as effective to mark Free Days, Focus Days, and Buffer Days.

Step 3: Stick to the Plan (with grace and flexibility)

Consistency is key, but being kind to yourself is also important. Life happens, and sometimes things don’t go according to plan.

Here are a few ways to stay on track:

  • Set reminders for scheduled activities.

  • Find an accountability partner for support.

  • Be flexible and adjust your schedule when needed.

  • Celebrate your wins to stay motivated.

Step 4: Tracking Progress (a motivation booster)

I’ve found regular reviews are key to staying motivated and on track. I do daily, weekly, and monthly reviews of my progress.

  • Daily: At the end of each day, I reflect on what I accomplished ( it just takes a few minutes). Did I complete my tasks? Make progress towards my goals? I also take a few minutes to list the top 3 most important things (MIT) for the following day. This helps me start the next day with clarity and focus, rather than wondering what to do.

  • Weekly: I take a closer look at my week. Did I stick to my schedule? What worked well? What could be improved? This helps me identify positive or negative patterns and make adjustments.

  • Monthly: This is a time for bigger-picture reflection. Am I on track to achieve my long-term goals? Are my priorities still aligned with my values? What adjustments do I need to make to stay on course?

Living Intentionally

Whether you’re a parent, entrepreneur, creative professional, or simply looking for a better way to manage your time and energy, the Performer’s Schedule is a game-changer. It provides a clear framework for intentionally creating a life that aligns with our deepest values and goals.

This schedule optimizes productivity and empowers us to live our lives with mindfulness, balance, and purpose.


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