Feeling Stuck and Want a Fresh Start?

How I unlocked wellness through self-care and healthy habits

Have you ever felt stuck, endlessly running but never really getting anywhere?

If so, you’re not alone. For years, I felt trapped by circumstances. I desperately wanted a fresh start, but I had no clue how to pull it off. This was especially evident in my mornings, which were filled more with obligations than intentions.

My alarm would go off, and I’d hit snooze five times before dragging myself out of bed. Running on 6 hours of sleep, I’d grab a Pepsi and throw in a couple pieces of toast.

Mornings were a chaotic blur, driven more by demands than any clear plan.

Work and Parenthood

With four kids and my fifth on the way, life was busy. My days, evenings, and weekends were filled with obligations, not to mention trying to maintain three businesses.

Despite the love and joy my family brought, exhaustion consumed me.

The concept of self-care seemed laughable. But beneath it all, a yearning persisted. A desire for change and personal growth — to do better and be better.

But I had no idea where to begin.

As a holistic health coach, I now know the yearning I felt was a call for change, a prompt from within that’s not meant to be ignored.

Wellness Journey: From Diet to Mindset

Tired of feeling stuck, I dove into books and research.

I started making the connection between mind and body, realizing I needed to eat better and establish healthier habits. And so the journey of self-discovery through food began. The first book I read was Eight Weeks to Optimum Health by Dr. Weil. It was exactly what I needed — a guiding hand that eases into healthier changes.

Many books and life-changing stories later, I became a vegetarian, then vegan, and then a raw vegan. Each step taught me something new about my body and wellness. The benefits of a raw food diet were and are incredible. But for me, sustaining it long-term became too limiting.

I wanted to find a diet that intertwined effortlessly with my life in a healthy way, not too rigid, yet with purpose.

My eventual discovery of the Blue Zones Diet and intuitive eating transformed my perspective and offered everything I was looking for. They resonated deeply, merging beautifully with the rich Mexican culinary influences from my husband’s heritage.

The Blue Zone’s diet emphasizes balance and joy, revolving around mostly plant-based foods. It became a sustainable way to nourish both body and soul.

It sounds simplistic in hindsight, but realizing ‘when you know better, you do better’ was a major turning point in my life.

Healthy eating became my anchor in the most calming way.

The Run That Changed Me

The years passed, and after my 9th child and during a particularly challenging period of my life, I felt an unsettling unease within.

Determined to find answers and regain a sense of purpose, I turned to what had always been my solace: Reading. I stumbled onto Finding Ultra by Rich Roll. His memoir is incredibly inspiring and compelling; I couldn’t put it down.

This and other books led me to challenge myself in the most unexpected way — running. I’d never run before, but I set a goal 4 months away and ran two different half-marathons.

Many have asked, “How and why?”

Perhaps more important for me was the mental journey. There were moments during those runs, especially during training, when every part of me begged to stop.

But deep down, I knew I needed to change if I wanted my life to change.

The truth was that I’d been stuck in victim mode, feeling like there was no easy way out. But there’s always a way; it was my mindset that needed changing. I knew I needed to push beyond the sadness.

I eventually found my rhythm, reaffirming the belief that we can push beyond the limits we’ve set for ourselves. Each run built my confidence, and I was able to find grace within the challenges.

It took a lot of discipline and days of pushing through, no matter how I felt. But it reaffirmed my belief that intentional habits help us reach goals we never dreamed possible.

Surviving Divorce: A New Path as a Single Mom

Running, paired with my commitment to healthy habits and nourishing food, became the anchors that steadied me during tough times.

Little did I know, the lessons learned would soon become invaluable in navigating one of life’s most significant crossroads.

Following the highs of my running journey, life threw me a curveball — navigating the path of divorce and becoming a single mom. The divorce shook me to my core, derailing the life we’d built.

It felt as if the ground beneath me had shifted, making every step uncertain.

During the breakdown of my 22-year marriage, those very habits that once anchored me slipped through my fingers. The shift disrupted my grounding routines — the pillars I’d held so dear.

But, as important as it is to get back on our feet, we must allow ourselves the compassion and time to process pain and setbacks. Sometimes, we need to grieve.

And that’s okay.

“Wherever we’re trying to go, we do not bully ourselves there. We believe ourselves there.” — Leeana Tankersley

Rediscovering Ourseleves

I soon began feeling stuck again — trapped by the fallout of our marriage.

I was lost, but much like with running, I knew what I needed to do. I’d done this before; I could do it again. I wasn’t willing to be a victim — to let his actions define my life. I needed to focus on what I could control.

It was time to get back up.

I remembered the rhythmic sound of my feet pounding the pavement, the taste of a healthy meal, and the sense of satisfaction I felt after an intense yoga session.

These memories were like a gentle push, urging me to power through — just one more mile, one more session, one more nutritious meal.

I missed keeping my word to myself.

I dove back into reading; I needed to know how I could heal and recover. I journaled and relied on mindfulness techniques. These small steps were the foundation of my new path. It wasn’t easy or straightforward, but with time I found hope and optimism again.

When we decide we’ve had enough of feeling bad and want a change, it requires us to step outside our comfort zone. I knew it was going to feel uncomfortable. But I also knew this was how to create change and stop feeling stuck.

Pushing beyond our comfort level is key to a fresh start.

The Anchoring Power of Habits

That feeling of accomplishment — that we can count on ourselves to follow through — there’s nothing quite like it.

Our past wins and achievements serve as lifelines when we’re going through a difficult time. They remind us we can get back up again.

Restarting foundational habits like exercise, yoga, and healthy eating felt like an uphill battle for me, especially with the emotional pain. But when we hold ourselves accountable and follow through, we become, quite literally, unstoppable.

Setbacks become temporary pauses, not roadblocks.

With time, nourishing food, consistent healthy habits, and a renewed commitment to training, I found my center again.

And that’s the real magic of habits; once we’ve mastered them, even when we lose our way, we’re never truly lost. We can always find our way back.

It’s Never Too Late — Embrace The Power of Starting Over

Life has a way of presenting us with challenges and lessons, often when we least expect them.

But the one theme that seems universal: Each one of us holds the power to start over — no matter our age, circumstances, or past choices, there’s always a way to rebuild.

Our struggles offer us a new chance to realign, redefine, and rise above.

Challenges can be daunting, but they also pave the way to freedom. Whether we’re trying to create a healthier lifestyle through diet, fitness, or reshaping our lives after a life-altering event — the first step is often the hardest — yet the rewards are invaluable.

It’s not about how many times we’ve fallen but how many times we’re willing to stand up, brush ourselves off, and move forward with a renewed spirit.

Every step, every choice, every day offers the ability to start over and transform who we are.

Here are three things that helped me get back on track:

  1. Inspirational Reading: Focus on personal growth, wellness, or resilience. Commit to 10 pages a day. Learn new perspectives and feel inspired.

  2. Commit to One Healthy Habit: Whether it’s swapping out a soda for water, taking a 10-minute walk, or one plant-based meal in your day — commit to making one healthy change. Challenge yourself to 30 days to make it a habit.

  3. Set a Goal: One that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Try running a 5K, weekly meal planning, or committing to a healthy morning routine. Track it for 30 days for habit-building and accountability.

Through the highs and lows, these have been my constants, guiding me back to my path each time I’ve strayed.

The Power of Small Changes

We often think we need to make drastic shifts in our lifestyle to see change. But that’s not true. Small, consistent steps make a world of difference.

In fact, even small dietary changes contribute to our mental state. Research from Monitor on Psychology supports this, indicating diet plays a role in depression and ADHD.

This ties into the holistic approach I take as a health coach, emphasizing that wellness is about making small yet consistent choices in our lives.

Your Path to Wellness Awaits

Feeling stuck is something we all experience. But as I’ve gone through highs and lows, I’ve learned the power to pivot — to hit that reset button lies in our own hands. And it often begins with simple yet profound habits and actions.

Self-care, creating healthy habits, and personal growth.

A commitment to your growth.

As cliché as it sounds, the path to wellness isn’t a sprint but a marathon. It’s a journey filled with lessons, challenges, and moments of joy along the way.

Are you ready to begin your next chapter? The key is to start — and there’s no better time than right now.

What will your first small step be?


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