Unsweetened Almond-Brazil Nut Milk

I believe food has a role in prevention and treatment — and I love when science backs it up.

There’s a study showing 4 Brazil nuts per month can lower cholesterol by nearly 20 points.

Brazil nuts are full of nutrients and antioxidants. They’re especially rich in selenium — which supports our immune system, thyroid function, and cell growth.

Unsweetened Almond-Brazil Nut Milk

  • 1 cup raw almonds

  • 2 Brazil nuts

  • 5–6 cups filtered water


  1. Soak nuts.

  2. Drain soaking water.

  3. Blend nuts and filtered water in a high-speed blender on high until well incorporated.

  4. Pour milk into bowl through a nutbag. Discard pulp or save for another use, like crackers or smoothies.

  5. Store milk in airtight glass container.

  • As too much of a good thing is not always a good thing, limit Brazil nuts to 2 per day, due to selenium.

  • My full article for almond milk


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