Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick & Easy)

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Quick weeknight dinner with big flavor

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Written by Julie on June 16, 2024

Stir-fry lovers, this one’s for you! I’m sharing my all-time favorite zucchini stir-fry — it’s quick, easy, and so flavorful it’ll have your kitchen smelling like a bustling street market. Seriously, you’ll be amazed at how something so simple can taste so incredibly delicious. And the best part? You can cook this Asian-inspired sauce up in no time, making it perfect for busy weeknights.

I’m a self-proclaimed zucchini fanatic. I get super excited when the farmer's markets are overflowing with tender, green zucchini just waiting to be turned into something irresistible. From sweet bread spiced with cinnamon or cooked with tomatoes and herbs for a summer dish, zucchinis are incredibly versatile. Of course, one of my favorites is a quick and easy zucchini stir-fry.

Now mushrooms, that’s a whole other story. It took me a while to warm up to these fungi friends. At first, I had to chop them into oblivion, hoping they’d magically disappear into the dish. But with time (and a bit of bravery), I appreciated their earthy flavor and meaty texture. Now, I’m a mushroom lover (within reason, of course — you won’t find me foraging in the woods quite yet, but progress, not perfection, right?)

That’s the beauty of stir-fries though — they’re the perfect playground for experimentation. Which brings me to one of my favorite ways to enjoy stir fry — zucchini and mushrooms in a delicious sauce! But the great thing about this vegetarian stir-fry is that it’s adaptable and meets you wherever you’re ready.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Why you’re going to love this stir fry recipe

  • Quick & Satisfying: Ready in under 30 minutes, perfect for busy weeknights.

  • Flavor Packed: Bursting with vibrant flavors and textures.

  • Plant-Based: Loaded with nutrients and fiber from plant-based ingredients. 

  • Customizable: Swap in your favorite veggies or add protein.

  • Did You Know: Zucchini is a staple in many Blue Zones diets, where people are known for their longevity and healthy lifestyles. It’s a low-calorie and high-fiber meal that’s packed with vitamin C.

How To Make Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Step 1.

In a skillet, add oil or water over medium-high heat.
After the oil/water has heated up, add the sliced zucchini and a pinch of salt. Stir-fry for 1-2 minutes or until slightly softened.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Step 2.

Once the zucchini has softened, add the mushrooms, pine nuts, and another pinch of salt. Stir fry fir 1-2 minutes, or until mushrooms are tender.

Note: Pine nuts tend to cook fast. Keep an eye on them as they cook to prevent burning.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Step 3.

Pour in the stir-fry sauce, stirring to combine. Bring to a boil.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Step 4.

Stir in the cornstarch mixture, cooking until the sauce thickens, about 1 minute.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

Step 5.

Turn off the heat. Serve over rice or noodles if desired. Top with sesame seeds and green onion, a drizzle of sesame oil, and/or add chili paste or sriracha if desired.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)

In The Kitchen Tips

  • For a deeper flavor, heat oil in the saucepan before adding the garlic powder, onion powder, and red chili flakes. Cook for about 30 seconds, stirring constantly to prevent burning. 

  • Try adding tofu or tempeh for a vegan stir-fry or a protein of your choice. If you do, double the stir-fry sauce so everything is well-coated.

  • Experiment with mixing and matching vegetables. Bell peppers, snap peas, or broccoli are great additions. If you add more than 2–3 cups of additional vegetables, double the sauce so everything is well-coated.

  • Adjust sauce thickness to your preference. For a thicker sauce, simmer longer after adding the cornstarch. For a thinner sauce, simply omit or reduce the cornstarch.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick And Easy)


  • What is the best way to cut zucchini for stir-fry?
    Slice it thinly and uniformly for even cooking. No need to peel!

  • Can I use any vegetables in a stir-fry recipe?
    Yes! Most vegetables work well in stir-fries. Cut them into uniform sizes, and consider their varying cook times. Broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, and snow peas are great options.

  • How do I prevent my zucchini from getting soggy?
    Use high heat, don’t overcrowd the pan, and cook in batches if necessary. Make sure your vegetables are dry before adding them to the pan.

  • What type of mushrooms are best for stir-fry?
    Shiitake, cremini, or white button mushrooms are all great choices for stir-frying.

  • Is this stir-fry sauce gluten-free?
    Yes, as long as you use gluten-free tamari or soy sauce.

  • Can I make this stir-fry ahead of time?

    It’s best enjoyed fresh, but you can prep the vegetables and sauce in advance. Store separately in the refrigerator and stir-fry just before serving.

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick & Easy)

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick & Easy)

Zucchini Stir Fry (Quick & Easy)

Yield: 2
Author: Julie Gaeta
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 20 Min
This easy zucchini stir-fry recipe is packed with nutrients and ready in under 30 minutes. It's plant-based, bursting with flavor, and perfect for meal prep!
Cook modePrevent screen from turning off


Stir Fry
Stir Fry Sauce


  1. Prepare the Sauce: In a bowl, whisk together the tamari, maple syrup, rice vinegar, water, sesame oil, onion powder, garlic powder, red chili flakes, and dried ginger (if using). Set aside.
  2. In a small bowl, mix cornstarch with 1 Tbsp water. Set aside.
  3. Heat a wok or skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil or water.
  4. Add sliced zucchini and a pinch of salt. Stir-fry for 1–2 minutes, or until slightly softened.
  5. Add mushrooms, pine nuts, and another pinch of salt. Stir-fry for 2–3 minutes, or until mushrooms are tender.
  6. Pour in the sauce, stirring to combine. Bring to a boil.
  7. Stir in the cornstarch mixture, cooking until the sauce thickens, about 1 minute.
  8. Turn off the heat. Serve over rice or noodles if desired. Top with sesame seeds and green onions, a drizzle of sesame oil, and/or add chili paste or Sriracha if desired.


Optional Additions

  • 1–2 tsp sesame seeds (for topping)
  • 1–2 chopped green onions (for topping)
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp chili paste or Sriracha
  • Rice or noodles 
Zucchini Stir Fry, Stir Fry, Asian Cuisine, Stir Fry Recipe, Stir-Fry, Vegan Stir Fry, Plant-Based Stir Fry
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Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive! 

This zucchini stir-fry recipe is both healthy and delicious. It’s a quick, easy, and nutritious meal that’s perfect for busy weeknights or whenever you’re craving a burst of flavor. 

If you’re looking for more tips and ideas on how to make healthy eating a sustainable part of your life, be sure to check out my post on 5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Diet.

I’d love to hear how yours turns out, let me know in the comments below!



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Stir Fry Sauce Recipe (Easy and Flavorful)