Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

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Easy, dairy-free, velvety and dreamy

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

Written by Julie on June 19, 2024

Get ready to be taken away to sunny strawberry fields with this unbelievably delicious and creamy strawberry milkshake recipe! Bursting with berry goodness and a hint of nostalgia, this velvety treat is a celebration of summer’s most beloved fruit. And we’re adding a twist of freeze-dried strawberries to intensify the flavor to create a milkshake that keeps those summer vibes flowing, even when the snow is falling.

For my family, June has always signaled strawberry season. Whether it's a sun-drenched afternoon at the local pick-your-own farm, baskets overflowing with ruby-red gems, or stocking up at our co-op, one thing's for sure: By the end of the month, our freezers are plump full of berry goodness.

My favorite way to enjoy strawberries, by far, is picking them ourselves. The sweet smell of ripe berries and the taste of sun-warmed strawberries straight from the vine is pure bliss.

As much as I adore fresh-picked berries, their season always goes by so fast. That's where freeze-dried strawberries come to the rescue. They lock in that intense strawberry flavor and vibrant color, offering a taste of summer even when it's cold.

Plus, they're such an easy way to add nutrients to our milkshakes without sacrificing any of that delicious flavor or texture.

Why You’ll Love This Milkshake

  • Bursting with Flavor: The combination of fresh and freeze-dried strawberries creates an explosion of strawberry goodness in every sip.

  • Creamy & Dreamy: Thanks to frozen bananas and your favorite plant-based milk, this milkshake is luxuriously smooth and satisfying.

  • Naturally Sweet: We’re using maple syrup for a touch of sweetness that perfectly complements the berries’ natural sugars (If you don’t have maple syrup, medjool dates work great too!)

  • Nutrient-packed & Refreshing: Strawberries are packed with antioxidants, which help protect your body. Enjoy this guilt-free indulgence anytime!

  • Did you know: Berries are packed with anthocyanins, pigments that give them their bright red color and have been linked to powerful anti-inflammatory effects. This milkshake isn’t just a delicious treat — it’s a potential health booster in a glass!

How To Make Strawberry Milkshakes

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

Step 1.

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Frozen bananas, frozen strawberries, cashews, freeze-dried strawberry powder, vanilla extract, pinch of salt, and plant-based milk.

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

Step 2.

Blend to a desired consitency, adding more milk for a smoother milkshake.

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

Step 3.

Scoop into a milkshake glass and top with vegan whipped cream, chopped strawberries, and vegan sprinkles.

Shake It Up: Fun Flavor Twists

  • Chocolate Lover’s Dream: +1 tbsp cocoa powder or chocolate protein powder

  • Strawberry Split Supreme: + a scoop of vegan vanilla ice cream

  • Shortcake Surprise: + crumbled vegan shortbread cookies or graham crackers

  • Tropical Twist: + frozen mango or pineapple chunks

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

In the Kitchen Tips

  • Frozen Bananas: The secret to this milkshake’s irresistible creaminess. Use very ripe bananas (think lots of brown spots!) for the sweetest flavor.

  • Frozen strawberries: They work wonders in this recipe, creating a thick and frosty treat. If you only have fresh strawberries, simply freeze them for a few hours before blending.

  • Don’t Over-blend: Blend just until smooth to avoid a watery milkshake.

  • Blender Power: A high-powered blender works best, but if you don’t have one, slightly thaw the frozen fruit for easier blending.

  • Freeze-Dried Strawberries: These little flavor bombs are highly recommended! They add a concentrated burst of strawberry flavor and vibrant color. You can find them at most grocery stores or online.

  • Sweetener Options: If you don’t have maple syrup or dates, agave nectar, or another sweetener of your choice.

  • Adjust Sweetness: Taste the milkshake before serving and add more sweetener if needed.

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious


  • Are vegan milkshakes kid-friendly? 
    Absolutely! Kids love the sweet strawberry flavor, and you can feel good knowing they’re getting a healthy dose of fruits and nutrients.

  • Why use freeze-dried strawberries in a milkshake?
    Freeze-dried strawberries are a great way to add intense strawberry flavor and vibrant color to your milkshake, even when fresh berries aren’t in season.

  • Can I use frozen strawberries in my vegan milkshake?
    Yes! Frozen strawberries are a great alternative to fresh ones, especially if you want a colder, thicker milkshake. 

  • What’s the best way to store leftover milkshake?
    While best enjoyed fresh, you can store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a day in airtight container. Give it a good stir before serving, as it may separate a bit.

  • Can I add protein powder to milkshakes? 
    Yes! Adding a scoop of your favorite vegan protein powder is a great way to boost protein and make this milkshake a more filling snack or meal replacement.

  • What kind of toppings can I add to my milkshake?
    Some popular toppings include fresh or frozen berries, granola, chopped nuts, cacao nibs, or vegan whipped cream.

Equipment List

  • High-Speed Blender: To blend the frozen bananas and other ingredients into a smooth and creamy milkshake.

  • Freezer-Safe Bags: To store the frozen banana chunks and other ingredients (optional for individual servings).

  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: To measure out the ingredients accurately.

Optional but useful:

  • Spatula: For scraping down the sides of the blender.

  • Milkshake Serving Glasses: For serving the delicious milkshakes.

  • Straws: For slurping up the creamy goodness (reusable straws are a great eco-friendly option!).

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe: Vegan and Delicious
Yield: 2
Author: Julie
Prep time: 5 MinTotal time: 5 Min
Get ready to be taken away to sunny strawberry fields with this unbelievably delicious and creamy strawberry milkshake recipe! Bursting with berry goodness and a hint of nostalgia, this velvety treat is a celebration of summer’s most beloved fruit!
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  1. Peel and slice the bananas, and freeze them for at least 2–3 hours or overnight.
  2. Fresh Strawberries (if using): Hull and chop the strawberries. You can also freeze them for a few hours before blending for a colder, thicker shake.
  3. In a high-speed blender, combine all ingredients.
  4. Blend until completely smooth and creamy. Start with 1 cup of milk and gradually add more until you reach your desired consistency. You may need to stop the blender a few times to scrape down the sides.
  5. Pour the milkshake into glasses and enjoy!
  6. For an extra touch, garnish with a few slices of fresh strawberry, a sprinkle of freeze-dried strawberry powder, or a dollop of vegan whipped cream!


  • For a creamier milkshake, replace cashews with 2 tablespoons cashew butter.
  • For added thickness and nutrition, add 1 tablespoon chia seeds or flaxseeds.

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Milkshake, Milkshake Recipe, Strawberry Milkshake, Classic Milkshake Recipe, Easy Recipe, 5 Minute Milkshake Recipe
Beverages, Desserts
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Sweet Summer Fun

So there you have it — a simple, delicious strawberry milkshake recipe that’s bursting with flavor and fun. It’s more than just a delicious treat — it’s a reminder of those sweet summer days spent picking berries with loved ones.

Here’s to summertime, creating sweet memories, and the simple pleasures and power of delicious, nourishing food.

I’d love to hear how your strawberry milkshake turns out, leave a comment in the comments section below!

Cheers friends!


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