Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

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A tangy, deliciously healthy flavor explosion

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Written by Julie on June 21, 2024

Get ready to take your salads, sandwiches, and veggie platters to next level good with this delicious Maple Dijon Dressing! It’s sweet, tangy, and savory, all blended into a creamy, oil-free emulsion that’s surprisingly simple to make.

Do you ever get stuck in a salad rut? 

You know, when it feels more like an obligation instead of a delicious meal? I’ve been there. But the right dressing can turn those greens into something you crave (really!). And that’s where my creamy, oil-free Maple Dijon Dressing comes in. 

In our house, we’re big on salads. And when I’m especially on top of my game, a big, overflowing salad is practically a daily ritual for me (even in the winter!). I’ve always been a salad lover — I genuinely look forward to them. But realistically, the dressing can make or break the entire experience. That’s why dijon is a staple in my kitchen. It’s packed with flavor, and it’s a hit with picky kids and adults alike.

As a health coach, I often recommend starting with a small salad each day. It’s an easy way to sneak in more plant-based nutrients. I hear you though, “another salad?” But trust me, this dressing is about to change your mind. It’ll have you excited to eat your greens, making a healthy choice feel like a delicious indulgence rather than a dreaded chore.

That’s why I’m a huge fan of homemade dressings (especially creamy, oil-free dressings). They’re healthier and surprisingly easy to make. Plus, they’re the ultimate meal prep hack! Make a batch on Sunday and you’re set for the week. And the best part? You control the ingredients — you can make a healthy dressing that matches your taste and preferences. 

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Why You’re Going to Love Maple Dijon Dressing

  • Healthy: This dairy-free dressing is naturally vegan, gluten-free, and packed with nutrients. Plus, cashews are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, and minerals like copper and magnesium.

  • Flavor: The combination of sweet maple syrup, tangy dijon mustard, and a hint of garlic creates a flavor that’s complex and addictive.

  • Surprisingly Creamy (and Oil-Free!): You won’t believe how rich and luscious this dressing is without added oil. The secret is the cashews!

  • Versatile & Easy: This easy dressing recipe takes just minutes to make in a blender and can be used in countless ways.

  • Did You Know: According to Dr. Michael Greger, a study from the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study found that women who enjoyed just a couple of handfuls of nuts each week were more likely to live longer — with benefits on par with jogging for several hours a week! 

How To Make Creamy Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Step 1.

Combine all ingredients into a blender (Cashews, water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, maple syrup, dijon mustard, peeled garlic, salt, and black pepper).

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Step 2.

Blend on high for about 2 minutes, or until completely smooth.

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Step 3.

Pour into a storage container and enjoy! This dressing goes great with salads, roasted vegetables, sandwiches, wraps, and veggie burgers.

Flavor Twists

  • Spicy: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes or cayenne for a kick.

  • Lemon Zest: Brighten the flavor with a bit of lemon zest.

  • Garlic Lover: Add an extra garlic clove for a more pungent flavor.

  • Smoky: Stir in a teaspoon of smoked paprika for a smoky flavor.

  • Herby: Blend in a handful of fresh herbs like parsley, dill, or chives.

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

In the Kitchen Tips

  • Cashews: If you don’t have cashews, you can substitute blanched almonds or sunflower seeds.

  • Maple Syrup: Feel free to adjust the amount of maple syrup to your taste.

  • Storage: This dressing will keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


  • Is maple dijon dressing healthy? 
    Yes! This homemade version is packed with nutrients from cashews and is oil-free, making it a healthier choice than most store-bought dressings.

  • My dressing thickened in the fridge. Is this normal? 
    Yes! This is completely normal due to the cashews. Simply thin with a splash of water and give it a good stir before using.

  • What can I use maple dijon dressing on? 
    Salads, sandwiches, roasted veggies, grain bowls… get creative! It’s even delicious as a dip.

  • How long does homemade dijon dressing last?
    Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

  • What can I substitute for cashews in dijon dressing?
    Try soaked sunflower seeds or blanched almonds for a similar creamy texture.

  • Can I adjust the flavor of maple dijon dressing? 
    Absolutely! Add more maple syrup for sweetness, dijon for a sharper tang, or apple cider vinegar for a milder tang. A pinch of red pepper flakes or cayenne adds some heat. 

  • Is dijon dressing vegan?

    Yes! This recipe is 100% vegan and made with plant-based ingredients.

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Equipment List

  • Blender: A high-speed blender is ideal, but a regular blender works if you soak or boil the cashews beforehand.

  • Measuring Cups and Spoons

  • Whisk (Optional)

  • Jar or Container with airtight lid

Optional but Nice

  • Rubber Spatula: Perfect for scraping every last bit of delicious dressing out of the blender.

  • Citrus Juicer (Optional): If you’d like to add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice for extra zing.

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Creamy Maple Dijon Dressing (Oil-Free & Vegan)

Yield: 4
Author: Julie
Prep time: 5 MinTotal time: 5 Min
Get ready to take your salads, sandwiches, and veggie platters to next level good with this delicious Maple Dijon Dressing!
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  1. Soak the raw cashews in water for at least 2 hours, then drain and rinse. (No need if you have a high-speed blender)
  2. In a high-speed blender all ingredients, scraping down sides as needed.
  3. Blend until smooth and creamy, 1–2 minutes.
  4. Check the consistency. Thin with additional water, one tablespoon at a time, if needed.
  5. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
  6. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate before serving. Dressing thickens as it chills.


  • If you have a high-speed blender, there’s no need to soak the cashews. If using a regular blender, either boil the cashews for 10 minutes or soak them in hot water for at least 1 hour for a smoother consistency.
  • This dressing will naturally thicken as it sits and chills in the refrigerator due to the cashews.
  • This dressing thickens as it chills. If needed, whisk in water for desired consistency. Refrigerate before serving for best flavor.

Dressing Recipe, Dijon Mustard Recipe, Dijon Mustard, Salad Dressings, Salad Dressing Recipes, Easy Salad Dressing, Easy Dijon Mustard
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Happy Dance Optional, But Encouraged

This Maple Dijon Dressing is a flavor explosion that’ll have you falling head over heels for salads again. Ditch the boring bottled stuff and let this creamy, goodness turn your greens into a crave-worthy meal. If you’re anything like me, you might even do a happy dance (Well, in your mind anyway!). 😉


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