7 Foods That Heal the Body Parts They Look Like

Nature’s clever clues 

Seven foods that heal the body parts they look like

Is it just me, or does nature seem like it’s always trying to leave us little clues? 

Like when the leaves turn shades of red and orange nudging us to notice the change in seasons. Or how animals sense a storm coming and take shelter before the rain even touches the ground. 

Nature’s always dropping hints, it’s just a matter of our listening.

And, it’s no different when it comes to food. Nature gives us subtle hints about which foods support specific parts of our body. The most interesting thing? Many of these foods look like the body parts they heal. 

During my holistic health coach training, I found some of the most nourishing foods come with a built-in visual of how they benefit us. 

So here are 7 foods that nourish, heal, and look like the body part it was designed to nourish.

1. Carrots: See Life Clearly

Carrots and eyes comparison

Slice open a carrot, and you can see how the rings inside look a lot like the lines of your iris. And, no surprise, carrots are packed with beta-carotene, helping protect our eyes and keep vision sharp.

  • The Natural Edge: Eye strain from endless screen time is real. If your eyes feel tired, carrots are nature’s nudge to nourish and protect your vision.

  • Simple meal idea: Chickpea Noodle Soup

2. Avocados: Balance Your Hormones


An avocado looks a lot like the shape of a uterus. And it just so happens avocados have folate, which is great for supporting reproductive health. They’re full of healthy fats that help keep hormones balanced.

  • The Natural Edge: Hormonal imbalance can leave us feeling out of control. Avocados nourish your body from within and help restore balance — so you feel more like yourself.

  • Simple meal idea: Homemade Guacamole 

3. Tomatoes: Heart-Healthy Heroes

Tomato and heart comparison

Slice open a tomato, and you’ll see it looks like the chambers of the heart. It’s fitting because tomatoes are full of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and keeps our hearts healthy.

  • The Natural Edge: With all our hearts do for us, tomatoes are nature’s answer to nourish and protect the core of our energy.

  • Simple meal idea: Sweet and tangy Cucumber Tomato Salad

4. Walnuts: Brain Power Up

Walnuts and brain comparison

Ever notice how walnuts look like tiny brains? It makes sense since walnuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids — supporting memory, focus, and overall brain function.

  • The Natural Edge: Mental fog slows us down. Walnuts are nature's way of giving us better focus and clarity.

  • Simple meal idea: Spiced Banana Crunch

5. Sweet Potatoes: Blood Sugar Stabilizers

Sweet potatoes and pancreas comparison

Sweet potatoes are shaped just like the pancreas, and it’s hardly a coincidence. They help regulate our blood sugar — the very job of the pancreas. They’re packed with fiber which keeps our energy steady and helps prevent afternoon crashes. 

The Natural Edge: If you’ve ever felt that mid-afternoon slump that has you dragging through the day, sweet potatoes help avoid it. They keep your energy even, so you stay focused and steady throughout the day. 

6. Grapes: Breathe Easy

Grapes and lung air sacs comparison

A bunch of grapes looks a lot like the tiny air sacs in our lungs. And just like the tiny sacs help us breathe, grapes have antioxidants and resveratrol that help keep our lungs healthy and strong.

  • The Natural Edge: Grapes are a natural way to support healthy lungs, breathing deeply, and staying active. 

  • Simple Meal Idea: Grapes + Fruit Dip

7. Celery: The Backbone of Strength

Celery and bones comparison

Long stalks of celery kind of look like bones, don’t they? It fits because celery has silicon and vitamin K, which help keep bones strong, maintain bone density, and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

  • The Natural Edge: Our bones are our foundation. Celery helps to keep that foundation strong and steady.

  • Simple meal idea: Vegan Chili Recipe 

Power Up Your Plate with Purpose

These 7 foods offer us lots of nutrients, giving our bodies what they need to thrive and heal. While we all have our most optimal diet, try adding in these foods, and see how you feel.

When we connect with what nature provides, we’re simply going back to the basics, and it doesn’t get much easier than that. 


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